Recommendation needed – FTP software

I’m getting my new computer set up and I don’t have the original .exe install file for the FTP program that I used to use (AceFTP Pro) to update my websites. I’ve done some Googling and AceFTP Pro hasn’t been updated for several years, so I’m not sure how well it would work on Vista.

Does anyone have a rec for a good (preferably cheap or free) program for FTP-ing?

And if anyone has a rec for a good website editor (I’m a hand-coder) that would also be great. I’ve been using HTMLPad on my old machine, but I’m open to other suggestions if anyone knows a program that they love to bits.

I’ve just spent the evening watching the Olympic closing ceremony while copying the data from my old machine to my new machine. At least that rather boring task had the distractions of amazing fireworks, beautifully choreographed dances and gymnastics, and the rather embarrassing Boris Johnson attempting to wave a flag and somewhat failing.

Despite all the questions over China’s ethics, there is no way that London will match – never mind beat! – the opening and closing ceremonies.

Right, time for bed and a proper update tomorrow. Important stuff: got the car and I’ve been driving this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

I am mobile!

I am sitting in one of the new glider-rockers that was delivered this morning with my laptop. I.e. upstairs on the other side of the house from the router. And I have Internets! I am a mobile, Internet browsing girl. Woot!

It’s so cool ๐Ÿ™‚

Despite a few issues when setting up my virus scanning (sorted now, thankfully) everything is running smoothly. I can watch the guys constructing the deck from here and dream of being able to post from the deck tomorrow, looking out over the ocean.

The weather is gorgeous today, bright and sunny and not too warm thanks to a strong breeze from the ocean. It’s one of those days where living next to the ocean really pays off because the views are so amazing. The sea is bright, bright blue and the sky is brilliant. When I walked down to the mailbox I could smell the ocean because the box is about ten feet from the waves at high tide. The odd low points from last week are forgotten. This move was worth every hassle and headache just for days like today.

I have a computer!

My computer is here! I have fought McAfee and won, I have Firefox installed and I have a computer!!

*clings to computer like woah*

I am such a happy girl. She’s so pretty. I have a built in SD card so tomorrow I shall start putting my piccies on Flickr. Mostly I’m just stroking her and whispering loving things to her.

*hugs computer tightly*